Antidepressants in pregnancy can affect babies – Looks like Heather made the right call.
Category Archives: Aside
Chicago crime database – A cool demonstration of the power of public data and public frameworks — Chicago crime stats plotted on Google Maps. (via Kevin)
FAQ: How Real ID will affect you – Man, that was sneaky. And just like that, we have a national ID card.
A Critic Takes On the Logic of Female Orgasm – “Perhaps the reason orgasm is so erratic is that it’s phasing out,” Dr. Hrdy said. “Our descendants on the starships may well wonder what all the fuss was about.”
Google stupidity, exhibit A – This is a very gripping and emotional post on Dooce about depression and when I get to the bottom of it the contextual text “Ads by Goooooogle” contains two ads for depression meds. Which is stupid, but also ironic because the whole post is about living through depression without meds! Context indeed, Google. Context indeed.
Can Blockbuster be contemplating leaving the DVD-by-mail market? – I’m sure that would make NetFlix happy.
Law schools are using a Supreme Court decision that allowed the Boy Scouts to discriminate against gay scoutmasters to allow the law schools to discriminate against the Army, because it discriminates against gays – Confused yet? Ford’s argument is that it is bad precedent all around, and his unspoken assertion is that the more you attempt to twist court opinions to fit your social agenda (as SCOTUS did with the Boy Scouts case), the more mess of bad law you create, which you then have to deal with later.
I’d curse out the teacher too if I was dragged to the office for refusing to hang up on a cell phone call from my mother in Iraq – It wasn’t even during class time.
How lightsabers work – By
Throw faster! – Children have difficulty hitting slow-moving balls because they perceive them as stationary. Even adults are worse at slow speeds than fast speeds.
Retired police officer sues police for illegal parking – Damn right! I’d like the Brandeis police to learn to follow traffic signs, too.
A Japanese obsession with being on time contributed to a train crash that killed over 90 people – “This is just the tip of the iceberg.”
Post-mortum on the case of the nanny who took off her clothes for her 4 year old charge – A very, very strange story, filtered through the media. The writer seems fairly sympathetic to the nanny. I don’t really know what to make of it all.
Of Course Macs Are More Expensive… Aren’t They? – “So despite all the urban myths to the contrary, when you actually compare Apples to comparably equipped Dells, the Apples are not only tastier-looking, but they’re less fattening, too! Every single one, which I have to admit surprised me a little bit.” Skim it.
A review of Tom Friedman’s new book – “It’s not that he occasionally screws up and fails to make his metaphors and images agree. It’s that he always screws it up. He has an anti-ear, and it’s absolutely infallible.”
Watching TV makes you smarter – Nice!
Let us all pause for a moment to give proper reverance for how amazingly cool Tiger is. Apple continues to make incredible advancement in each upgrade to its operating system, and unlike Windows with each Mac OS X update my computer gets faster at the same time that it is getting more useful.