Karl Rove’s America – Paul Krugman is far, far too restrained in talking about how very sickening Republican politics has become in the age of George W. Bush. As much as I bash the Democrats for not figuring out in the last six years what’s going on and how to adapt to it, I can almost feel sorry for them in their naivete and confusion about just what went wrong.

Personal blogs can do a lot to hurt — and very little to help — the academic job-seeker“We all have quirks. In a traditional interview process, we try our best to stifle them, or keep them below the threshold of annoyance and distraction.” I get the impression that my blog may have hurt me with some of the jobs I applied for, but I can’t really know for certain. In my case, though, I was looking for a job that really fit my personality, so perhaps it was all for the best. There sure are a heck of a lot of cautionary tales out there, and certainly no one wants to get Dooced. It’s a really fine line, isn’t it? I’ve commented on this sort of thing before, I don’t really have any answers. It’s too early in the game. (via JP)

Serious athletes do more poorly after training on treadmills – The article attemps to answer questions about how equivalent a treadmill is to real running conditions, and generally concludes that the nature of a treadmill is such that as you get to higher speeds the workout is significantly different and less intense. I find some of the numbers a bit confusing (since when do “joggers” run at 13mph?) but the conclusions seem sound.