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Category Archives: Aside
Finally, someone asks Rumsfeld some hard questions – No, no one in the press — it was active military personnel.
Google Suggest is awesome – It auto-completes search terms as you type.
The Schaer Case – Even the dissents agree with the idea of a contractual relationship between Brandeis and the student consisting of the “Rights & Responibilities” handbook. Which, as they note, is non-negotiable. So that seems just a bit unfair.
New York Subway Diagram – Holy crap is that thing complicated…but it looks more usable than the official MTA one. Not that it really matters to me… (via Kottke)
Why don’t Democrats behave like Republicans and use negative tactics against Bush? – Stop being the morally superior party and start being the party that actually wins once in a while. Sad council, but its true. (via Kevin)
The Country Didn’t Turn Right, the GOP Did – Really heartening analysis of the 2004 election. And “moral values” don’t mean what you think at the polling place.
I may have rudely criticized his social skills, but every time I find myself reading Aaron Swartz’s blog I start to feel intellectually inferior. So he’s got that going for him.
Professionals at work – Whoops
Two years of high school classes, two years of college-level classes, and then on to college as a junior – Basically sounds like cramming in a bunch of AP or IB classes. The real advantage seems to be the environment, not the material.
Student loans are a problem — Reich is proposing a solution – I don’t know if it is valid or not, but it is from Reich, so no one is going to listen anyway.
Old Justice issues – Its not linked from anywhere, but there is some interesting stuff from a few year back still sitting on the Justice’s web space.
99.8% of FCC complaints in the past year were filed by one group – The conservative Parents Television Council is almost solely responsible for something like a thousand-fold increase in complaints compared to 2001. Well, them and Janet Jackson.
Watching All the President’s Men, listening to Starship Troopers, trying to catch up on exercise, talking to a lot of people about student government.
A different kind of TEMPEST – A new way to eavesdrop on the contents of someone else’s computer monitor.
CalPERS chief ousted – Under the leadership of Sean Harrigan, California’s biggest pension fund used shareholder activism to reform corrupt companies while maintaing returns of over 20% per year. And I guess that made big corporations a little upset.
US military used napalm in Iraq war – So this is what they are talking about when they say we are fighting a “more humane” war.