
Crucial Unpaid Internships Increasingly Separate the Haves From the Have-Nots

Crucial Unpaid Internships Increasingly Separate the Haves From the Have-Nots – They always have, its just that as the job market gets more competitive and a college education is the norm, college increasingly becomes like high school — more loading on of extraneous crap so you can get it all on your resume. And people with less money continue to get the short end of the stick.

2 replies on “Crucial Unpaid Internships Increasingly Separate the Haves From the Have-Nots”

  1. Which reminds me of a quote from the episode of Firefly I watched the other day:

    Uh… far as I see it, you people been given the shortest end of the stick ever been offered a human soul in this crap-heel ‘verse. But you took that end and you… well, you took it. And that’s… well, I guess that’s somethin’.

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