I (was/am/continue to be) sick

Ladies and gentlemen, I am happy to announce that, in general, I’m back in action. Having mono and strep throat (at the same time) can put one a little off one’s game, as I have been, and continue to be, but while being sick was pretty yucky, I had a mild case of mono compared to stories I’ve heard tell from various people. Mono has an incubation period of 30-50 days, so I’ve actually had it for a while, but I don’t think I’ve passed it on since I haven’t really been sharing food, water, or kisses with anyone who is likely to get it. What’s great about mono, though, is that it is a herpes virus, meaning it stays with you all your life, and while it is very rare for it to strike again, carriers can become contagious just, ya know, whenever fate feels like it. For instance, a couple months after they get a new boyfriend. Just for instance. Ahem.

I’ve spent a lot of time sleeping, watching television, staring into space, etc., and not much time doing productive things like studying, reading, or going outside. I still haven’t gone shopping, and it has been several weeks…not quite sure what I’m finding to eat, but I seem to still be alive.

I feel a little overwhelmed by the amount of school I missed, to the point where I’m afraid to start catching up on readings because it feels better when I don’t know just how far behind I am, and as soon as I pick up a few syllabi I’ll see that massive list of books that I haven’t looked at yet and be very, very afraid. But Lynn gave me readings and notes on lighting, so I’m going to start with that, since its slighly less deep than Chinese philosophy, and slightly less scary than Writing for the Media.

Today I had three meetings, and by golly I’m glad I’m off Student Union, because these meetings were fun and exciting and made me happy and threw me off for the rest of the day. Doing well at school is all about subjugating one’s desires, because really, as fascinating as it is, reading about Menchus is a lot less exciting to me than arguing with Jean Eddy and having lunch with Mark Collins and oh did I mention how I gave him a box of Valentine’s chocolates but not my girlfriend?

Well, in my defense, she did give me mono.

Anyway, for some reason that I cannot explain, I have found that I like going to meetings, working on plans, discussing strategies, and all the rest, and it makes me happy. It makes my days feel productive. And when I do that, I don’t do school work. And I need to do school work, or so I keep being told, in order to get out of this place that, really, I like being at, so this is all very confusing to me. I’m “consulting” on this big plan to completely rejigger Student Union, and I just don’t see how it won’t take up a bunch of my time, but I really want to do it. Grr, argh.

In other news, my phone works again. For some reason it just decided to die and not reappear, it had to be reset and reloaded before everything went back to normal. I accidentally used the Telus (Canada) software instead of the Nextel (US) software, and as a nifty side effect I now have access to the fully operational built-in web browser. Neat. Now if only they included free IMs.

Anyway, guess it’s about time that I start in on that reading… Wish me luck!

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