4 replies on “A Shot in the Dark – The hidden cost of the chickenpox vaccine”

  1. I remember the good ol’ days when they let kids like me just get chickenpox, and we liked it darn it!

    I know that one relative (b. 1990) was vaccinated, but that another (b. 1987) was not. Maybe it started somewhere between there?

  2. Yeah, I don’t see the big deal with getting this fairly simple, quickly abating, non-threatening virus. And yet, and yet, everyone always wants convenience and “safety” rather than the minor hassle of going through something that is naturally harmless. We start meddling, and of course we start messing things up. Typical.

  3. I’m not sure, but I believe that the problem isn’t kids, it’s adults – much like mono, chickenpox is a much more threatening illness for adults, and it just so happens that the most effective time to vaccinate against it is in kids.

    Maybe I’m wrong, though; ask my roommate. 😉

  4. Right, she and I actually talked about this prior to the posting, but my comment was unclear. The problem is that once you get chicken pox you have a very, very, very low probabilty of ever getting it again. This is due, in part, to constant re-exposure from various other sources, i.e. all the other infected people around. But with the vaccine, the immunity is not complete, and it wears off over time. And since cases in older age are worse, there is a problem. Additionally, during this “roll out” phase, as more people get the vaccine there are fewer people to keep the re-exposure rates strong, and so immunity falls across the board. We’re going to have to worry about vaccinating everyone and giving constant booster shots. It’s all a silly and preventable mess, and I don’t understand how exactly it happened. I’d never heard that anyone was much conerned about childhood chicken pox, and then before you know it everyone is being vaccinated. Typical short-term thinking.

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