
Labels accuse Apple of holding back innovation in the digital music space

Labels accuse Apple of holding back innovation in the digital music space – This is funny on so many levels I’m just not sure I can comprehend it. Apple single-handedly ignited the for-pay online music distribution industry, and still sells 70% of the songs sold over the web. Now that Apple has made the industry work, the labels want to start jacking up prices and doing other bone-headed things to screw up a good thing, but Apple was smart when they negotiated their contracts and won’t let it happen. The music industry, brought in line by a scrappy computer company that doesn’t give a shit about their revenue models, is now calling foul, and attempting to move into, of all things, the mobile phone space, because they think people will pay a lot more to buy their music over wireless networks and stick it on their phones than in a format that they can keep on their computers, on CDs, and on iPods. Brilliant.