Virtual tour of Nassau, and more

Conch shells at the fish marketI’ve uploaded a bunch of pictures from Nassau, New Providence, Bahamas for your enjoyment. Page through them for interesting facts and tidbits about my trip and the local history. It seemed more effective than trying to write up a few paragraphs, and made good use of the capabilities of Flickr. Note you won’t see the comments in the slideshow view, sadly.

* “Pictures from Nassau”:
* “Pictures from Atlants”:

One reply on “Virtual tour of Nassau, and more”

  1. Beautiful photos! I was hoping to see a virtual tour though, you know with 360 panoramas etc. I use a tool 360 panorama professional to join photos together to make 360 degree panoramas or just BIG shots. Did you take any shots that join up together, I could join them if you like!

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