
Why Joss Whedon should stick to television

Why Joss Whedon should stick to television – Slate offers a spot-on analysis of, well, basically what the title says. Due to very complicated and ongoing circumstances things reached a point where Joss made the movie Serenity, which, in my estimation, is awesomely wonderful. But it would have been a lot more wonderful had the show Firefly been able to run its course. We have entered an era where quality television storytelling is becoming at least slightly more regular, and TV is not looked upon simply as the “boob tube,” with movies as the higher art form. Rather, people seem to be getting sick of standard Hollywood dreck and rediscovering television as new shows come along with strong storytelling. Joss is a master of such storytelling, and to some extent his talents for conceiving rich universes and complete, three-dimensional characters is wasted when working in a palette constrained to 2 hours. A warning to those who haven’t yet seen Serenity: the article contains a pretty major plot spoiler, although it does not reveal any specific details of the event(s) in question.