iTunes videos: slighly more in-depth

Okay, I bought the fun Pixar short _Geri’s Game_ from the now-unfortunately-named iTunes Music Store. As I suspected, the quality is pretty disappointing and doesn’t do justice to the craftsmanship of the people at Pixar. Opening the movie in QuickTime Pro, I see that I can use the editing features to copy out sections and re-arrange the movie, but there is no way to export my results or save it from the menus. When I go to quit, however, it does ask if I’d like to save my changes into a new video file, and I can, with DRM, of course. There does not seem to be any way to get even a short segment of video out without the DRM, so any sort of remixing or fair use sort of goes out the window. I guess that is not unexpected, but it continues to be disappointing.