Someone explain this to me, because now I’m confused. Does being a participant in “fandom” always or generally imply that a person writes pornographic ‘shipper fan-fiction? I mean, not that there is anything wrong with writing stories about television characters or your own fantasies about their non-relationships, but I always thought fandom referred to a community built up around a television show. Wikipedia seems to agree. Thus I find it odd that people are worried about losing their jobs for participating in “fandom,” unless what they actually mean is participating in X-rated story writing, which is perhaps more likely to ruffle feathers among those with delicate sensibilities than simply dressing up as a Klingon or going to a Buffy meet-up (I’ve done one of the two, I’ll let you guess which…).
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I’m generally on your side of the issue. I will say though that certain types of fandom tend to lend themselves to ponography. Potter fiction for some bizarre and disconcerting reason seems to lean that way.
What was referred to the other day in the conversation that occurred (of which I think you are referring to) is what I would consider slash fiction (see Wikipedia).
But, ya’ know. I’m new here, I don’t know nuttin.
Let me start by saying that I take no part in fandom/fanfic whatever. But, from what I understand, fandom seems to imply that some kind of fanfic/slash is involved…