
William Saletan’s opinions on abortion, as explained in his Slate article, “My Secret Burden,” express exactly what I feel about the issue.

William Saletan’s opinions on abortion, as explained in his _Slate_ article, “My Secret Burden,” express exactly what I feel about the issue. I believe that the more moderate voices of the pro-abortion movement must win out of the movement hopes to survive. I remember freshman year of college when a girl from FMLA asked me if I was a feminist, and after I heard her definition of the word, a defintion that included the right to abortion in very stark terms, a definition that made me uncomfortable in its passion, I had to say that I was not. I don’t believe abortions are good. I believe they are bad. I believe we should do all we can to make them as rare as possible. And I believe they should remain legal. Read the article.