For the lazyweb

Here’s a sort of strange question. Tonight after a talk the lack of good bus service made me decide to walk home from work, and in the process I realized that the 3.5 mile distance is probably just right for exercising. I’d love to run/jog to work some mornings when the weather is right. Problem is that I need to take my laptop, a change of clothes, and a towel along. I can’t think of any good way to do this while still being in a position to run effectively. My only thought is some sort of robot that can follow me, or perhaps throwing my bag on a bus and picking it up on the other end. Since my imagination is clearly way outside the parameters of this task, does anyone else have better ideas?

(One potentially obvious one is to take in extra clothes/towel to work on days that I ride the bus. This makes sense, but the question of transporting my laptop would still remain.)

4 replies on “For the lazyweb”

  1. Screw running, start hiking! Get a nice pack which will hold laptop, towel, extra clothes, and start working on a nice long stride to get you to work in under an hour. As you get in better shape, add more weight! I’ll happily lend you some camping gear, even a back pack, and you can get ready for some good summer hikes! And, you even start dressing the part, get an Australian bush hat, some nice hiking khakis and sling a rifle over your shoulder to scare slow pedestrians out of the way!

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