Apparently, my bluff has been called

From: Matthew Travis
To: Danny Silverman
Message: I’m not sure if we can be friends until we go beach camping and you run screaming into the ocean at midnight carrying a burning brand of wood over your head. But i’ll ponder it until then.
From: Danny Silverman
To: Matthew Travis
Message: Give me a date, time, and place, and I’ll be there!

And I just got an invite to this…

Name: Dusk to Dawn Danny Beach Burning
Tagline: This is a ‘going in’ party.
Start Time: Friday, April 28, 2006 at 1:00am
Venue: Wingaersheek Beach (or thereabouts)
Description: Danny Silverman will run screaming into the ocean brandishing a burning piece of wood

I’m so very afraid…

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