New PGP keys

The folks at ONI are adopting some more prudent security measures, including standardizing on PGP keys. This has encrouaged me t once again renew my PGP interest, and generate a couple new keys corresponding to my current email addresses. If you want to contact me securely with almost no chance of government interception, snag my key from a public key server and verify the fingerprint with the following. Do the same if you just want to verify that the messages I send you are really from me, as I am now auto-signing almost everything I send.

| *Key ID:* | B87DED8B |
| *Email:* | zeno _care-of_ |
| *Fingerprint:* | E59D BDFC FE19 BEA0 D34B B520 886E 86A5 B87D ED8B |

| *Key ID:* | 84746329 |
| *Email:* | zeno _care-of_ |
| *Fingerprint:* | BC4C A886 B174 11C9 DEA6 CD9B B983 8E89 8474 6329 |

No idea what this is all about? Read and be edified. If you use Thunderbird, this will get you hooked up.

One reply on “New PGP keys”

  1. I always wanted to make a wordpress plugin that allowed you to sign your blog entries, but hid the signatures unless you clicked on a link or something.. couldn’t figure out a sane way to handle the client side though… next time you’re in Cali have your fingerprint on a card or something so I can sign your cert =)

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