
Reason: Neal Stephenson’s Past,Present, and Future: The author of the widely praised Baroque Cycle on science, markets, andpost-9/11 America

I’ve just re-read a 2002 interview of Neal Stephenson by _Reason_ magazine, and recommend it. Stephenson is, as always, an interesting subject. Choice bit: “Since our prosperity and our military security for the last three or four generations have been rooted in science and technology, it would therefore seem that we’re coming to the end of one era and about to move into another. Whether it’s going to be better or worse is difficult for me to say. The obvious guess would be “worse.” If I really wanted to turn this into a jeremiad, I could hold forth on that for a while. But as mentioned before, this country has always found a new way to move forward and be prosperous. So maybe we’ll get lucky again. In the meantime, efforts to predict the future by extrapolating trends in the world of science and technology are apt to feel a lot less compelling than they might have in 1955.”