Movie time

Sitting home, feeling crappy, can’t really blame me for blowing a hundred bucks on a dozen DVDs from Amazon’s summer sale. All movies I remember fondly from my childhood. I’ve often wondered if I was actually supposed to have been born in the 70s (and that’s why I missed the dot-com boom), and my love of these early-eighties movies perhaps bears that out. Or maybe it was just that the little video rental store in Lake Arrowhead that we frequented had an odd selection.

The spoils:
* The Last Starfighter (1984)
* Explorers (1985)
* Ghostbusters 1&2 (1989)
* WarGames (1986)
* Space Camp (1986)
* D.A.R.Y.L. (1985)
* Clue (1985)

The rest of the things I got were newer, and include The Bourne Identity, Gattaca, Starship Troopers, and Minority Report. Like I said, I was sick, so I can’t be blamed for what I might do. And this is my last chance to spend a bit before I’m saddled with a mortgage. ๐Ÿ˜‰

4 replies on “Movie time”

  1. Gotta say, I approve wholeheartedly of Gattaca. As for the others, well, I’ll just have to invite myself over to watch ’em with you when I’m back in Boston (especially The Last Starfighted and WarGames, which I’ve never seen but have wanted to for some time) ๐Ÿ˜‰

  2. Mortgage? You’re buying a house!? Congrats! Sorry I missed you guys on Mt Washington, we figured out that we probably walked right by you in the fog… oh well… glad you guys survived though ๐Ÿ˜€ Currently in Nashville but Igor has promised bonfires when I return at which I will hope to see you!

  3. Glad to hear you guys survived the crazy hike! I’ll post about our slightly less crazy hike adventure as soon as my computer works again. More on the mortgage when we finally sign the contract (hopefully tomorrow), and huzzah for bonfires and such. Oh, and I owe you ten bucks.

    Hehe, skyblog. First though I can think of is that maybe SkyNet saw my blog and decided to try its own. If that means a switch from world domination to whiny LiveJournal posts, I say its a small price to pay.

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