Now with the sick, more to come

A few things I’m meaning to write about: Public media’s future, Marketplace, Wicked.

Meanwhile, my symptoms:
* Sore throat
* Muscle pain
* Stiff neck (possibly swollen lymph nodes, not sure)
* Clogged synuses
* Constant fatigue
* Dizziness when moving head or standing
* Upset stomach after eating any quantity of food

So lazyweb, what’ve I got? I’d say mono, but I’ve already had that, and it sounds like recurrence is very rare. Possibly something I picked up through travel. Whatever it is, it sorta sucks to have it while on vacation and after traveling all this way.

*Addendum:* In a feat of good timing, Ze Frank explains the Illness Communication Exaggeration Curve. Now someone get me a burrito!