
Paramilitarized policing targets innocents

Glenn Reynolds points to a _WSJ_ piece about the paramilitarization of US police forces and the increasing use of SWAT teams to carry out no-knock raids based on generally faulty intelligence. The use of “special weapons and tactics” is up *1300%* in the last twenty years. Among those targeted, an innocent NYC city worker in her 50s who died of a heart attack during the raid, a deaf, asthmatic Coney Island woman, who was handcuffed in the present of her two crying children and denied her asthma pump, and a Virginia optomotrist who was mistakenly shot during a raid of his house based on a police investigation of some sports betting he did with his friends. I find it not the least bit surprising that most of these egregious abuses of police power are caught up in the long-ago failed “war on drugs.”