What’s the Boy Scout motto?

For those who say I never write about work anymore…
The first time I met the CIO of Harvard’s Faculty of Arts and Sciences was a hastily convened meeting on the day that we were moving Berkman from Baker House to 23 Everett. I was dirty, smelly, wearing a t-shirt and shorts, and I didn’t even know what we were meeting about.

Today, with no deadlines or meetings or people to bug, I spent the morning working from home. I knew I had to go in at 1pm for a training in the new version of our helpdesk software. Since it was just a two hour training and I wasn’t technically in the office, I threw on a t-shirt, khakis, and Tevas, and biked my unshaved, unshowered self over to the Science Center.

Who should plop down in the seat beside me but, of all people, our CIO, who had decided to drop in on the class. Unfortunate.