Heathrow Express

I got dressed Saturday morning, and then at some point I realized that I had lost a day and it was Sunday afternoon and I was wearing the same clothes.

Boston to JFK by Bolt Bus, which is nice except the lack of seat-back trays is terrible, and then LIRR and then AirTrain, and then I caught up with Jessica, fresh from LAX. A very long time checking in, a very, very long wait on the tarmac, and then a decently long Air India flight to London Heathrow on a big Boeing 777 with lots of on-demand movies (both English and Hindi) on a big seat-back screen. And very tiny cups for water.

Heathrow Express tube

The Heathrow Express, it’s tunnel here pictured, took us to Paddington, then onward, after some Chicken Kiev and Sausage Sandwiches (we chose to forgo an English Breakfast) to Bristol. Left out for easy reading: hassles finding trains, hassles finding Hyde Park (we turned back just a block short, after running into a nice gent with bad teeth who gave us a lunch recommendation, i.e. a local), and hassles at our B&B, which we sat outside of for half an hour before another guest let us in, not to mention two hours of customs at the airport.

Ben Folds we found eventually, not where Google Maps told us he would be, and he was great as always and half his audience was Welsh, so he made up a little song about Wales and promised to tour there some day. We’re heading there tomorrow, for a day in Cardiff before a longer spell in Glasgow, where my Jess and Adam’s Jess get to meet and we get to use a computer with a Skype client that actually works and perhaps some adventures will be had and some tasty Indian food eaten, and some fried pizza and fried Mars bars and fried burgers avoided.

The keyboard on my fun new Eee PC is dreadful and driving me batty, and local time is 2 in the AM, so for now adieu. All in all, a generally pleasant, if time-consuming, start to our little holiday. Also, its easier to cope if you just pretend that the £7 pizza take-away was $7, and not $14. Jessica is gradually coming around to my view on this.

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