Hard hitting journalism

I’m not exactly sure what they’re supposed to be hitting, and how hard, but the networks sure aren’t doing it. In contrast, there is this:

The first time, I was sitting there in my house being bombed, and thinking “OK, bring it on! We will be freed.” We lived about four miles from the shelter that housed women and children — of course then as now, Saddam has kept his weapons in schools and other civilians and institutions. Back then, when I was hiding under the stairwell with my family. I thought OK, anything to get rid of him.

But now … (voice breaks, again) After the bombings, they callously left him there, purposely, because it suited their ends. Now, the same people who made the decisions back then, are arguing for the morality of the decision, as if he wasn’t evil 12 years ago.

It’s really hard for me, as an Iraqi and as an American. For all intents and purposes, America is my country. As an American, if the attempt is to avenge Sept. 11 and Bin Laden, I think this is 180 degrees from what needs to be done. I think it’s a policy of arrogance, and all Americans, we are going to be in danger in ways we don’t even realize it. This just a free campaign of recruitment for bin Laden.

The interviews are at Salon. Stop complaining and get the bloody day pass. Better, subscribe.