We are one people…

For those who may be visiting thanks to the new article in the OC Weekly (yay!) and my latest posting to mindwire.org, a short intro: This site is unedited. It is off the top of my head. I have a strange thought in the middle of the night, I write an entry. Simple as that. I never delete a posting, I never edit. I am a kid growing up, I have smart thoughts and I have stupid ones. I can be well informed or misinformed. I know this, you should too. So this web site represents what I’m thinking about. Over years, months, even days things I’ve been thinking about may solidify or may evaporate, who knows. Don’t take anything here too seriously. Enjoy life, enjoy the ride.

Why do I do this? Its hard to justify. I’m usually very reclusive, somewhat private. Why put my life online? I think perhaps to preempt the spin. I plan on being politically active, likely an attorney for civil liberties, more likely a thorn in the side of the Powers That Be. To steal fitting words from an unfitting biased Fox host, this site is a “spin-free zone.” Life. Unscripted. Uncensored.