Self congratulations here, after a fun and drawn out process, including Union Judiciary case, I won the second attempt at Secretary elections, 346 to 295. I never did actually talk to my opponent, Alyssa Krop, but hopefully there aren’t any hard feelings. Of course, nothing I did was ever directed at her (i.e. signs, campaign stuff, or case), so I hope she doesn’t have any irrational hatred of me that might manifest itself in a deranged killing spree…but the one time I saw her she seemed pretty nice, so I’ll assume no.
Also, Adam Herman informs me that the last 3 presidents (before our new one, pres-elect Josh Brandfon) were all secretaries first. Neat-o.
Congratulations, Danny. The position of Student Union Secretary is one of the greatest honors and responsibilities granted to a Brandeis student. I wish you the best of luck.
Danny, much congratulations for fighting for what you believe and being so committed to your goal. I am really proud of you and know that you will be the next president if you don’t cross any of the wrong lines.
Enjoy the position; you deserve it!
Congratulations Danny. I hope you enjoy your new venture into University politics and that it is all that you expect. Looking forward to having you home soon. Sammy said congratulations as well when he heard the news!
Wow – I was referenced in a Blog.
And all four of the most recent presidents were elected Union executive officers at some point before being President.
So, Danny’s got that behind him.