Buffy in the media

Buffy tributes are everywhere, and suprisingly, they are generally well thought out and interesting to read, not just the normal entertainment “news” prattle. Two to note: The MSN “top ten moments” list, clearly written by a true fan, and the interesting Salon article that sparked a lot of debate, and a ton of letters, including this one that struck me:

You’re right, “Buffy’s” characters have changed. Joss Whedon’s famous theme for the sixth season was “Oh, grow up!” By then, the Scoobies had literally and metaphorically overcome social isolation and needed to move into adulthood, which may be less romantic and more ambiguous, but no less terrifying. Appropriately, that season’s big bad villains were three boys who couldn’t face these challenges, who still dreamed of fighting high school battles for high school fantasies. Should the show have defended the left behind? That would’ve justified the chronically uncool, but would it have been right, for its characters or us? Don’t we ever get to grow up?

“Buffy’s” greatness never rested in its allegiance to those that don’t fit in; rather, it constantly delighted because it forced its characters to grow, and allowed them to fail. Even in its final seasons, the show presented choices we’d rather ignore. And between change and stasis, I’d choose change. Because we have no choice.

The last episode comes Tuesday. I’ve been so upset with the show and swamped with work that I am four episodes behind. I will say it now, but repeat it (with much further thought and analysis) later. Goodbye, Buffy. It has been quite a journey.