Killing music

Back in the 1980s, the record industry told us that home taping was killing music. How can we trust them this time?

5 replies on “Killing music”

  1. Well, music sharing now is happening on a larger scale… If some made a whole business of mass-distributing tapes copied one-by-one in the tape player in the den, they might approach those numbers.. but well, then they’d clearly be as silly as those guys who hang out on street corners hawking theatercam videos, and just as subject to arrest.

    And back in the 1980s, technophiles told us that home taping was killing copyright. How can we trust them this time? =)

  2. By killing music, are you refering to the threat that music may no longer have incentive to be produced?

    If so, then there’s an issue here–as long as we humans don’t understand ourselves, and as long as we have souls, and as long as we aren’t perfect, and as long as we seek self-betterment (these are what some consider to be what defines having a soul–as someone with agnostic views on religion, I like this definition), humans will produce art with no incentive other than the art itself.

    If musicians that were earning money said “Screw this, I’m not getting any moeny for it” and stopped producing their music, and real musicians who care only about (well, they aren’t perfect–care more about) the art and soul of the music and not the money of the music, I think the practice of having music-representing-image and vice-versa might dwindle some. Actually, more just the whole nature of evil marketing of the music, since music has always been something that defines who you are–culturally, subculturally, and individually.

  3. To Claire and Seth –
    I find it easier to beat up on the “recording industry” because that is generally defined as five massive corporations united within a lobbying group known as the Recording Industry Association of America. In contrast, “technophile” is a very broad term that encompasses a substantial group of people with differeing views and opinions. And okay, so I was quick with the word “trust.” But I generally prefer trusting people over corporations, not because corporations are inhertly evil, but because they are inheritly greedy. While a person might have morals, a large corporation that does usually doesn’t survive long. I can believe that people can have opinions founded on their idea of Right, whereas corporations can seldom have such opinions.

  4. Jonathon – excellent comments – African tribes don’t get paid for their music & their culture is expressed through it.

    Lets get some art back into music.

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