My Status (or, Self-Indulgence)

This is one of those “my life is so stressful” entries that I’ve attempted to avoid writing for a while.

The fallout of various major issues on campus (most notably the Justice one) has been a couple weeks of backlog that I have never quite recovered from. My German class is still two weeks ahead of me, because no matter how much I study they are still going forward, at the point now where the test on Ch. 5 is on Thursday and I’ve somehow managed to miss the Ch. 4 test and am still not at the point where I could remotely pass it. My AMST class is closing in fast on a final, with a major test on Monday that I’m still behind for. I was expecting that the paper for that class would be do on the day of the final, as is normally the case with AMST classes, but this one is certainly not normal – the paper is due on Wednesday. Whoops.

I’ve really been working on the assumption that I have a month of school left in which to catch everything up, and in that time context I was doing okay. But then I realized today that I actually have 10 academic days left, or about 2 weeks. And with this test+paper for AMST due this week, I’m going to remain very very behind on German, and with each passing day it becomes harder to catch up.

I’m doing well, at least, in my theater class, and I’ll get a “pass” grade in Practicum if I put in another dozen hours or so, so I have to fit those in (usually on Fridays). That can happen. And if I work really hard on this AMST stuff, I think I will pull off a B in that class. The issue really is German, and it just sucks. I can’t really see what to do about it. I mean, I can’t drop the class, because besides it being past the deadline, that would put me in a position of having a 2.5 credit semester, meaning I wouldn’t have been a full-time student. If I was somehow able to turn the class into a pass/fail, it would be worthless, because only one of my 3 semesters of language courses are allowed to be P/F, and I was saving that for 20, which I’ll do just as bad, if not worse at. Yeah, so I can’t do foreign languages. This makes graduation highly difficult, as a foreign language is a requirement, so I don’t know what to do about it.

Anyway, that’s the status of me. Meanwhile, there are five people whom I want to have lunch with, and there is no time in my schedule to do any of this personal stuff, and the semester is ending, ending, ending…