Breaking up through PowerPoint – And he mentions Tufte!
Washington DC for the weekend!
Matt discovers the evils of web filters – I’d say its a problem that no one cares about these things until they see their own site blocked, but that’s not as much of a problem as it sounds, since normal, useful sites are so frequently blocked.
Meg laments the death of the New York coffee shop – On my last day in the city we went to a coffee shop for a quick meal, but I don’t feel like I got the true experience.
How to really disable Internet Explorer – And, get this, Windows Update will continue to work!
Watching Spider-Man 2, which rocks, avoiding The Confusion, which is boring, finding quarters for some much-needed laundry, doing the same old same old at work. Washington DC on Friday! And if Peter Parker can be satisfied with his life, I can certainly (try to) be satisfied with mine!
New MREs can be activated with urine – In case you lose the salt water packet, Adam.
A walk
Today I started walking and didn’t stop until I got to Costco, 3.7 miles away. Well, I did stop at Radio Shack and pick up some alligator clips, one of which, when probably secured, will make my earphones much more comfortable. But that’s not the point. Wait, what was the point?
Most of what we thought we knew about Sept. 11 was wrong – A summary of the unanimous, book-sized Sept. 11 Commission report.
Feeling sad and lonely. Reading The Confusion, slowly. Listening to The Diamond Age, slowly. Grocery shopping. Pondering. Blogging. Lamenting. Not in that order.
Minor juggling
I’m going to add a Philosophy minor since it looks like I only need three courses to fill it, and I’ve wanted to do more philosophy. I’m not sure I’m going to get my Internet Studies minor because apparently my independent study with Tim Hickey doesn’t count as the capstone course, it has to be an independent study in my department related to the internet. Huh? I have to do an AMST independent study for the INET program? That’s weird…
New AgBlog photo albums posted – Providence, Newport, the Hamptons, and the USS Intrepid Museum. Now with a slightly prettier layout, slideshow feature, and, of course, commenting.
Reading The Confusion, listening to The Diamond Age, working, feeling a little empty, being excited about another weekend escape with friends.