
Harvard Business School un-admits students who hacked web site to see if they were accepted

Harvard Business School un-admits students who hacked web site to see if they were accepted – Except the “hacking” was something along the lines of typing in a URL with their own ID number and seeing if an acceptance letter or rejection notice pops up. There was no foul play, the data was out there and insecure, and their peeking did not change anything or in any way affect their application. Look, getting into college and grad school causes a lot of stress. The temptation to “peek” at information that is out there to see, your own information, is simple human nature. I don’t think I agree with Harvard on this one, I think they are just covering for their own embarrasment that their system was so insecure and the admissions process just became ever-so-slightly more transparent. As it should be.

3 replies on “Harvard Business School un-admits students who hacked web site to see if they were accepted”

  1. Pingback: GrinBlog
  2. Probably the best bet is to claim that you never saw your own admission record and say someone else did it. I mean, what’s to stop people from plugging in random numbers? I doubt Harvard is going to subpoena your ISP

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