
Two residents at Brigham and Women’s don’t like the medical inaccuracies of House and Grey’s Anatomy

Two residents at Brigham and Women’s don’t like the medical inaccuracies of House and Grey’s Anatomy. They discuss the initial rise of medical shows, when every script was vetted by the AMA and doctors were portrayed as dispassionate superheroes focused solely on the patients’ needs, rather than having problems of their own. I agree the pendulum has dramatically swung to the point where on some of these shows the patients are barely relevent. Of course I disagree with their yearning to return to a time of self-censorship, but I do understand their broader point. One thing they did not bring up but that I wonder about is whether people perceptions of doctors as the kind of emotionally messed up (read: human) people portrayed on Grey’s and elsewhere is partially responsible (in addition to many other factors, of course) for the dramatic rise in malpractice lawsuits.