Times change

Last night I got what was I guess my first late night call. My cell phone went crazy around 2:30am or so because one of our servers was misbehaving and the monitoring systems didn’t like that one bit, and didn’t think I should, either. It turned out that I didn’t actually have to do anything because my boss was taking care of it (yay!), but I poked around a bit and tried to figure out what was going on since one day son, this will all be yours. Anyway, I was up for less than an hour, fell back to sleep relatively quickly, and got into work at a reasonable hour. And then at around noon I got a headache, and it hasn’t gone away for the last eight hours.

Which makes me wonder if this late night stuff doesn’t agree with my delicate sleep cycles.

Anyway, only thing to be done about it, I guess, is learn as much as I can about how our systems work and figure out how to improve them so that I’ll get as few unpleasant nighttime surprises as possible. Which, really, is what my job is anyway, so the personal interest in sleeping and the professional interest in doing a good job definitely dovetail. So yay for that, I guess.

I’ve had a philosophy up until this point to avoid all gratuitous medications, and the first time I ever started seriously taking things like Tylenol was when I had mono back in February (hi Kelli!). That was the extent of it until a month or so into my job at Berkman when I started getting wrist pain due mostly to some bad ergonomics. My doctor told me that there really wasn’t an easy cure and it was more of a pain management issue, and prescribe ibuprofen both to reduce swelling and relieve pain. Ever since I’ve had a lot of those ibuprofen pills sitting in my drawer, and occasionally when my wrists start to hurt I guiltally swallow one.

But I think it says something about the extent of my willpower that I didn’t even *think* about taking an ibuprofen for the headache until about ten minutes ago, when it just occured to me out of the blue.

Argh, I feel so weak. And dirty. This better not become a trend.