
Digg vs. Dot: On Linux

Another reason I’m not willing to consider Digg as a serious competitor to Slashdot: when the comments on an asinine post about how to “fix” Linux are written almost entirely by people who don’t use Linux and don’t know the first thing about it, but choose to add their two cents anyway. No serious geek goes to Slashdot primarily for the articles — we go there for the discussions. Digg has a nice new commenting engine, if only it could attract some good commenters.

3 replies on “Digg vs. Dot: On Linux”

  1. Back in the old days (when we walked uphill both ways to go to school, and /. didn’t have user registration) you did go to /. for the articles. (/. uid 4808).

  2. I have to agree with you assesment of the comments. They’re terrible! Digg’s readership seems a lot less thoughtful and pensive.

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