Non-Marsies are from Mars

Kristen Bell is Veronica Mars

Remember back when I promised to write a review of _Veronica Mars_ season 1? No? Perhaps you recall my four other posts gushing about the series. Or maybe you’re one of the people to whom I gave a copy of the season 1 episodes, either as files or as a DVD set? Or perhaps you’re *that one guy who I thought was my friend* who *STILL HASN’T WATCHED THE DVDS I BOUGHT HIM*. But no, you wouldn’t be *that guy*, would you?

Anyway, _VM_ rocks, if you don’t know this by now, and you aren’t interested in watching it, then nothing more I can say here is going to convince you, so, rather than obsessing over a review before finally, finally, finally starting into season 2, I’ve been convinced by Kevin to just get started already. So on the train tomorrow, I’m watching 2×01. And finding out who was at the door.

*Tell me nothing. NOTHING.*

One reply on “Non-Marsies are from Mars”

  1. A report from that guy on his upcoming schedule:

    Friday: Write Paper for Internship with detailed charts, graphs, and statistics

    Saturday: Write summary paper for practicum

    Sunday and Monday: Write lengthy research design

    Tuesday-Thursday: Study for Law Exam

    Thursday night: Take Law Exam

    Until first week of May: Create Masters Portfolio for Graduation

    After done with masters portfolio: Watch Veronica Mars Season 1

    So I’d say you should be able to write the review around the first week of May.

    With love,

    The friend of fell behind schedule and created review-writing problems for you.

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