Forget all the razzmatazz over Obama. The Democrats have only one option for president

Some of the author’s points are things I’ve been pondering since Obama’s Texas/Ohio debacle. Is Clinton, despite all the odds, the more electable candidate? She has been getting consistently better results among older voters, Hispanics, and women, constituencies that are more important in the general election than young people and black voters. And she’s doing better in primaries and in larger states, while Obama’s support is in smaller states and caucuses. She’s also a fighter, and very willing to go negative which, while divisive and undesirable, is often a good way to win elections. At the end of the day, straight electability trumps hope in my book, as much as I think he is the more inspiring candidate.

2 replies on “Forget all the razzmatazz over Obama. The Democrats have only one option for president”

  1. Two things:

    1. Never underestimate the conservative right’s disgust for Hillary.
    2. Independents are a significant factor and given the McCain/Clinton choice I think they would go McCain.

  2. It’s the Supreme Court . . .

    McCain has promised the right that he will appoint judges in the Scalia mold.

    It’s the economy . . .

    We can’t afford the war in Iraq for another 2 years much less “100.”

    It’s sexism . . .

    We can’t let the conservative right win on this issue.

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