Just to Show Len…

To show my new roommate the power of the Ag…er…whatever, I might as well post an update immediately after talking to him.

Today is Tuesday, and today was a stay at home day, a day for coding (badly), a day for watching televison (ick) and a day for reading Caucasia for Brandeis. Temperatures of 87 without being allowed to use the air condition (power crisis coupled with “endurance training,” thanks Dad) soured my mood, but Len (“Lenny!” “It’s Len.”) assures me it is far hotten in the tristate area and thus, by extension, in the great city of Boston. Well cheers to that.

I still can’t believe we don’t get comedy central and sci-fi at brandeis. My first political act will be talking with someone important about that. Or at least complaining loudly.

Finally, I had ThinkGeek ship my latest order direct-to-Brandeis, forgetting that they don’t accept packages any more than 2 weeks prior to opening. Oops! Ah, well.