In Israel’s army, a religious war brews

The IDF, historically a social cauldron, is segmenting into the more religious and right-wing fighters, who generally believe in Jewish purity and Zionism, and the traditionally more secular, left-leaning forces, who value all human life over land disputes. Obviously this is dramatically oversimplifying, but I have interacted with those who see all non-Jews as inferior, and it is an ugly and very real way of life. Letting those sorts of values permeate the IDF is dangerous and counter-productive to the long-term survival of Israel.

Douglas Bowman leaves Google

He was head of the visual design group for three years, but quickly discovered that all design decisions, even which of 41 shades of blue to color a toolbar, or whether a line should be 3 or 4 pixels wide, were driven by data and user testing. “Google was a massive aircraft carrier, and I was just a small dinghy trying to push it a few degrees North.”

Massachusetts SJC wants to know why boys are charged with statutory rape but not girls

Good that a court is finally asking that question. The details of the case in question are disturbing just because of the ages of the children involved, but there doesn’t seem to be much justification for charging a young boy with statutory rape and not charging the young girls with the same “crime,” since the encounters were consensual.

And Then They Came For Me

A Sri Lankan newspaper editor, foreseeing his own assasination, penned an editorial to be run in the event of his untimely death. On Sunday, three days after he was gunned down on his way to work, Lasantha Wickrematunge’s self-written obituary was printed. “When finally I am killed,” he wrote, “it will be the government that kills me.”