The campus search program that I started writing last year and perfected 😉 just a few weeks ago with its 2.0 release is now offline, possibly permanently. The Recording Industry Association of American, an “industry trade group,” has decided to stop with its cease-and-desist letters and quit with its DMCA infringement notices and simply start suing college students. Along they way, the RIAA has come up with some fun new terms to compliment their old standby “piracy,” a term which is not only confusing in the visceral reaction it provokes but is also completely wrong.
Also completely wrong is the RIAA, which seems to believe that instead of growing as a business, embracing new technologies, and giving its consumers what they want, it can simply sue all of its consumers out of existance, surely not a good tactic for continued profitability. The RIAA mantra is, “Music: Our Way or Jail!” This latest round of evilness involves calling campus search systems “Napster networks,” a complete misnomer since they are neither networks nor at all Napster-like.
The best story so far is probably the one from The Chronicle, although I don’t really like the ending.